Almost all of us suffer from a terrible disease called laziness. The disease first occupies a small space in our body and then gradually spreads rapidly in the veins of our body. As a result, we become useless. After our working mentality is crippled. Reluctance to work is created. So in the case of action, one has to suffer the bitter taste of failure. None of us like that badge. So if you want to reach the peak of success, you have to overcome laziness.


Great medicine to overcome laziness। indolence - Sloth Time
Great medicine to overcome laziness। indolence

Before that, you need to know what exactly is laziness? When our former men lived in the jungle, their lives were surrounded by hardships. If they got food one day, they would be worried about where or when they would get another meal. He was afraid of being attacked by animals. So they started using laziness to save their energy. So that they can use it when needed. Since working would consume energy, they would spend 20% of their time active and 70% of their time lazily in order to save. And since we evolved from them, our present position is involved in our brain and that old habit. And that's why we spend 80% of the day lazy and 20% working. Now the problem is that in some cases the number of these equations becomes 99% and 1%.

Great medicine to overcome laziness। indolence - Sloth Time 

Our brain secretes a hormone called dopamine which controls our willpower to do anything. This dopamine system is also called the reward circuitry of the brain. Do you ever feel lazy to do Facebook and youtube? Of course not! We managed to run these fluently for hours on end without any effort. But what about reading? In that case, 5 minutes seems to be equivalent to 5 hours, doesn't it? Have you ever wondered why? When we do Facebooking or youtube, our reward circuit is activated because from here we see new things and we like this work.

But we can't do this at work. So laziness consumes us. And detached from career.


Here are 10 ways to say goodbye to your laziness forever.✍✍

1. Daily Exercise:✔️

Exercise is an important and effective way to overcome your laziness. Many of us wake up late in the morning due to laziness. Due to this every day we lose a lot of our precious time. Which takes us away from our goal. We are not unaware that the results of misusing time do not live up to expectations. So we need to wake up in the morning and exercise for at least 1 hour. As a result, our laziness will go away. And laziness will be eliminated as well as our body will be healthy and strong.


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2. Avoid bed:✔️

Bed laziness is an absolute master in the field of ions. It goes without saying that you never go to bed and don't feel lazy. Because more than 90% of the work we do throughout the day is controlled by our subconscious mind. That means we don't have to think about those things. We do them automatically. So if you spend the whole day lying in the bed where you sleep, then the signal goes to your brain all day long. As a result, your subconscious mind is confused and it signals for sleep. That's why you feel lazy all day. 

So after waking up and going back to sleep, you need to avoid bed, and you need to find alternative bedding methods. In this case, you can do anything by sitting on the floor, mat, or carpet. Sitting on the floor and working will not only get rid of laziness but will also bring you many benefits. 


3. Work with a specific goal:✔️

Goalless work never goes ahead. And there is a lot of fuck in the middle of that work, so you get bitterness in that work which later turns into laziness. And this laziness alone is enough to destroy your self-confidence. But if you have a specific MT in your work, then you will automatically have a tendency towards that work. It is very important to work. And we know that goals are the first step to success. So just as it will help you in the mirror of success at work, just as touching the goal will often eliminate your laziness.

Read more: 10 best strategies to control the mind। Mind Setup


4. Divide large tasks into smaller parts:✔️

In case of any big work, the time is a little longer. Which leads to a lot of time to work. Which creates a monotonous attitude in your work. And this monotony helps to create laziness. Which will cast an evil shadow of laziness on your work. Which will disrupt your work.

On the other hand, if you divide this big work into small parts, then your work will never be boring and you will be able to finish the work with joy. So to say goodbye to our laziness, it is better to divide the big tasks into small parts.

Read more: How to become a business entrepreneur?


5. Expect positive results:✔️

Expecting positive results at work boosts your confidence. Inspires you extensively. And if these two things exist inside you, then there is no place for laziness. And if he has confidence and inspiration, he will succeed. Those who are driven by success never indulge in laziness. On the other hand, those who think negatively about the results of their work before the results lose both their motivation and self-confidence so that they cannot start work. And laziness wraps them in its sheets. So to break the wall of laziness you must think positively about the results of your work.


6. Give yourself time:✔️

We need to chase him to keep our brains functioning. And that's why you need to set yourself a time to do any work properly. And you need to resolve that you have to finish the job within this time. Then the work is as motivated to work as laziness escapes. But if you don't give time, you will not have discipline in your work. I think to stay today, I will do the right thing tomorrow, again tomorrow I will stay today and do tomorrow. This time will never come, how will it come or you will be entangled in the disease called laziness. As a result, the work remains incomplete. So if you want to get your work done in a lazy way, you must follow this method.

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7. Do your favorite things:✔️

Sloth does not consume us when we do the things we love. And we can do those things fluently. To find the best jobs that can benefit you and our society. There are one or more latent talents hidden in all of us. Find them and you will enjoy doing them and you will not feel lazy.


8. Think about your work:✔️

Think ahead about the work you are going to do. For example- how you are going to do the job, how to do it will be good, how to do it will be successful, what will happen if successful, etc. It will help you along the way in your life. Because this thought will create a kind of picture in your mind. And these pictures will inspire your mind to start and finish the work. And this indomitable desire will take away all laziness from your mind.

Read more: the most popular ways to earn money online


9. Reward yourself:✔️

It is also called a Reward in English. That is to get a reward for any work. We only do one thing with the mind when we get something in return for that work. Our attention is also focused on that work. So if you want to get any difficult task done easily, you can reward yourself. Then your work will be encouraged. Suppose you don't like reading at all but if you promise yourself you can finish 1 chapter every day then you will go to eat one of your favorite things on that Friday of the week. Suppose your favorite food is biryani. 

So if you finish a chapter every day, you will go to eat biryani on Friday of that week. This method will speed up your work and escape the laziness window.


10. Go ahead:✔️

This should be our main goal. If you don't think about something and sit down after that, you will be eaten by the worms of laziness. His evil power will continue to spread. It will make you useless. Moreover, it will establish you as a failed person. You definitely don't want to live with this badge on your forehead, do you? So don’t sit around thinking of anything, go ahead with the right steps. Then with success, your laziness will go away.


If you can master the above 10 strategies properly, the disease called laziness will be eradicated in your life. And you will become a successful person at work. ❣️


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