My sister !!! Do you want to stand on your own two feet when the situation is favorable?
Do you agree with this disgusting theory of feminists 'stand on your own two feet'?
Then know that when you get tired of standing on your own feet, when your legs refuse to carry the weight of your body, when you bend under the weight of age, you will not find anything to support in front of your eyes.
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disgusting theory of feminists |
'Stand on your own two feet' will not find all the given people.
You can't find the people who made you 'rights conscious'.
My sister !!!
Creatively you have been made very weak. You are weak so your responsibilities have been made very easy. You have been made as a factory for making human beings. As a craftsman for building civilization.
You have been given the small chores of the house. You were not made to work outside in the sun and rain. You can't do that with a weak body. Great Lord knows that very well. And that is why your responsibilities are limited to the corners of the house.
It can ensure your freedom, security, dignity, respect in the corner of the house.
Why do you want to stand on your own two feet after the great Lord has placed your responsibility on the shoulders of four men?
You are the queen in my father's house. Your father is responsible for fulfilling all your desires.
If you don't have a father, it is your brother's responsibility to look after you and give you privacy. After marriage, you have to take all the responsibility for your husband. And in old age, your son has been given the responsibility to see and hear you.
Think once, sister!
Islam has kept you like a queen:
You have not been left alone at any age because you are weak. Step by step, a responsible man has been appointed for you at every age. It has been made obligatory on them to see and hear you.
And today you fall into the clutches of the West, you fall into the clutches of feminists, you think it is disrespectful to stay at home. You think it is a burden to raise a family, to raise children.
Sister !!! The fox wants the freedom of the chicken. You know why he wants it. You are not stupid enough not to know this little thing.
If the hen is in the house then the fox will not be able to satisfy his hunger because the house is safe for the hen. That is why the fox gives the chicken all the freedom. When the fox says who the chicken is
"How long will I be confined in the house? Now, look at the outside environment. How pure light and air. I can breathe with an open heart."
Chicken and the way it really is! Many days the outside environment is not seen. And why should I live a life of friendship? I also need freedom.
A few days later, when the hen wants to move freely, the fox infestation starts. very happy to eats the independent chicken.
Sister! There is education for you in foxes and chickens.
Men who are greedy for women will never want you to be safe in any corner of the house. You are safe with your respect.
They will never want you to be a deposit to anyone. They always want you to go out and take you as a source of enjoyment whenever you want.
Sister, when I tell you to stay at home, to pay attention to child-rearing, you sit on your face and say why should I stay at home? Does Islam just say stay at home?
Khadija (ra) was not a businessman?
Sister! I am just amazed at your courage.
Who are you comparing yourself to?
How much do you know Khadija (ra) Anhu?
She was the first woman to convert to Islam. Throughout Arabia, she was an aristocratic holy woman. Whom Allah (SWT) Himself has sent salutations from the Throne. (Allahu Akbar)
How much do you think his dignity is with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
Did she do business with her husband and children, who throws away the household chores? Or does she show her thumbs up to the screen?
He did business from behind the scenes. Not shoulder to shoulder with men outside.
Sister !!!
Can you dare to tell me with your hand on your chest that you went out to work but never got harassed?
Have you ever been in danger of losing your dignity on a public bus?
Have you ever been the victim of eve-teasing on the way to or from the office?
Sister !!!
No matter how many degrees you have, you are only a 'woman' to a man. In honor of your degree, he may be addressing you as 'mam' in the front but only imagining you as a 'woman' in the back.
Why are you giving yourself away so cheap sister?
You are not so cheap.
I'm not saying you just lie in the corner of the room. No, I'll never say that.
I just want to say that by fulfilling the duty that has been given to you, you should devote yourself to the welfare of the Ummah.
Dedicating oneself to the welfare of the ummah does not mean that you will only do da'wah work, but you can do anything for the welfare of the mothers and sisters of the ummah.
You can be a teacher. You can be a doctor. So that Muslim mothers and sisters can get medical services with full screen. Your goal and purpose will be to serve mothers and sisters. Just keep this in mind for your purpose so that money is not an income.
If you don't have enough knowledge about these things then I will say, sister !!! You pay attention to child-rearing.
My sister !!! Salah Uddin Ayub did not fall from the sky, nor did he rise from the ground.
They came to this world from the womb of a lucky mother according to the laws of nature.
In this exhaustion of the Ummah, can't you give birth to another Salahuddin Ayubi ???
Can't you give birth to a mujahid to wipe away the tears of tortured sisters in Kashmir, Iraq, Myanmar, Syria, Palestine ???
Is it something more difficult than a job-career?
No, sister! Rather, this is your Fitrat.
Throughout the ages, historical heroes have been born from the womb of this woman.
If you want, it is possible to give birth to a Salahuddin Ayub or Hossain Ahmed Madani at this age.
But I don't understand what happened to you.
In fact, your brain is occupied by the westerners.
Tell me, am I studying so hard for my mother-in-law's house, for raising children ???
Hey sister !!!
The purpose of studying is to enrich oneself, to enlighten the future generation.
But alas !! We are now enclosing it in the word 'career' just to enslave others.
Look at the daughter of a mother who has received the Ratnagarbha award and sees what a decline in the character of her child.
The mother is playing twelve of her child's careers as she builds her career. But if the award-winning mother had not given up her career and focused on child-rearing, would this girl have been able to build a career today?
You are walking around the job market as a product in the name of women's rights. You are voluntarily carrying the burden of the family on your shoulders.
You have not been given the responsibility of earning a living, sister!
It was given to your brother. But yes, if you are a peacock, you can work with the screen. I don't mind.
But my strongest objection is that you are coming down to the field shoulder to shoulder with a man outside for a little more improvement in the world, to teach your child in English medium, to provide for your own expenses.
My sister !!! If there is a little trouble in this world if there is a little poverty, then what will happen? In the hereafter, there will be no more trouble.
As you know, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "500 years before the rich, the poor will go to Paradise."
Won't you be happy after hearing this hadith? Won't your heart be calm?
Sister! Listen to another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "The world is a prison for the believer and Paradise for the oppressor."
So, you have to work a little harder here. You have to sacrifice a little.
Sister! Think a little about yourself. Try to understand where your true respect really is.
Do not bring your own danger by doing something against Fitrat.
Fulfill the responsibilities given to you. Make your child a historical hero. The earth will never forget your contribution. The honor of the whole world will come to your feet and rob you. You are successful in both the world and the Hereafter.
My sister !!! Do not make it difficult what Allah (SWT) has made easy.
Your value is higher in the house, within the four walls of your security, honor, dignity, the best place to protect the honor of just keeping in mind that you can deal with many complex problems that arise.
In sha Allah.
#But_will_you_want_to_ stand_in_our_foot?
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