After much thought, we will discuss today, "For those of you who are unable to advance on the path of religion due to some major obstacle, it may be a family member or a sin that is not leaving you. It is a very beautiful analogy."

Habib Omar has given a very beautiful analogy. He said - a nobleman once invited a man to his house for a meal. But when he reached the gate of the house, he saw a dog sitting by the door. 

Every time he tried to enter the house, the dog would bark at him and chase him away and hurt him several times. The man tried several times but could not enter. In the end, he sat down in despair. Suddenly he called the owner of the house in a tearful voice - "You have invited me to your house to eat but this dog is not allowing me to enter the house." The house owner immediately removes the dog and enters with the man.Who are unable to advance on the path of religion due to some major obstacle

Allah is generous. He calls us to His forgiveness and to the feast of His Paradise/Jannat. 

The dog is the devil/blocker that blocks the road. Eliminate the thought of defeating him on your own, because he is deadly powerful. Instead, weep and cry out to the Most Gracious God - "O Noble Lord! I have lost hope, because, I cannot overcome this obstacle. So, I pray to You, please remove him from my life. May I find Your satisfaction." May I be blessed and feel your true love. "

Call on Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala with sincerity and witness the change in your life.

May Allah grant us all the grace to walk and act in the right path. 


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