Dawah is an Arabic word, which means to call, to invoke. The essence of Islam's call is to call people to world peace and liberation in the Hereafter.
The advent of Islam is not just for the welfare of the individual; Islam for the welfare of all mankind. And in the eyes of Islam, human happiness depends on two things: Salah and Islah. That is to correct oneself and to correct others. Which is never possible without the work of Dawah.
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The importance and method of da'wah work in Islam |
The importance and method of da'wah work in Islam are so great that no human being can comprehend it outwardly. Numerous verses of the Holy Word are a shining witness to this. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And who can speak better than the one who calls to Allaah and does righteous deeds and says, 'I am one of the obedient?'” (Surah Ha Meem As-Sajdah: 33)
Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani Rah. In the explanation of this verse, he writes, this verse refers to those special beloved servants who have proved their steadfastness and steadfastness by believing in the sovereignty of one God. Here is another discussion of their high status. That is, a good and noble person is a person who dedicates himself to Allah alone, declares obedience and obedience to His commands, follows His chosen path, and calls the people of the world to come to Him. His words and deeds influence others to come to the path of God. He does all the good things he invites people to do. He never hesitates to declare his devotion and obedience to God. His only national identity is Islam. Abandoning all forms of narrow-mindedness and sectarianism, he declared himself to be a true Muslim, and for which Sayyiduna Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood and for which the Companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood. Have sacrificed their lives.
In Surah An-Nahl, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): And answer them in the best way possible. '
In this verse, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself is being taught how to guide people. There are three ways to do this.
A) Wisdom
b) Maoiya Hasana and
c) Jidal Billati Hiya Ahsan.
Wisdom, that is, in the light of strong documentary evidence, must present a very mature and irrefutable subject in a wise and prudent manner, which compels the sensible and knowledgeable person to bow his head. The imaginary visions of the world faded before him. The development of any kind of knowledge-science and thought-consciousness should not change the theory and information described in the revelation.
Mauiyya Hasana refers to pleasant and heartfelt advice, which will be full of the tenderness and passion of a gentle character and tender soul. The exhortation is given in a beautiful and balanced manner with devotion, compassion, compassion and sweet character often waxes the stone-heart, revives the dead body, and awakens a despairing and decaying nation. People rush to the destination with fear and hopeful speech, especially those who are not so intelligent, intelligent and highly intelligent, but have a strong desire to find the truth in their hearts, to inspire such action in their hearts by pleasant exhortation. Goes, which is possible by high enlightened discourse
Is not.
Yes, there is always a group in the world whose job is to complicate everything and to engage in verbal arguments. They do not accept wise words, nor do they listen to admonition. They want the field of debate to be heated on every issue. Many times even the people of true understanding, justice, and truth-seeking level are surrounded by doubts, without discussion they are not satisfied. That is why it has been said, "And answer them in the best way possible."
That is, if you ever face such a situation, then argue with courtesy and courtesy in the best way and with honesty and fairness. If you want to silence the opponent, do it in the best way. Don't talk unnecessarily painful and heart-wrenching, which doesn't solve the problem; Rather it is more protracted. The purpose should be to convince the opponent and to establish the truth. Roughness, abuse, cunning, and recklessness never work. (Tafsir Uthmani 2 / 628-629)
Elsewhere, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Surely the people are the losers. But they are not those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and to exhort one another to perseverance. '(Surat al-Asr)
That is, in order to be saved from harm, man needs four things:
a) To believe in Allah and His Messenger and to have full faith in their guidance and promises - whether it is related to this world or the Hereafter.
B) not to limit the influence of that faith and belief to the mind; But also to express it in the limbs and to reflect sincere faith in real life.
C) Not only to be satisfied with one's personal reform and welfare, but also to put the collective interest of the country and the nation first. When two Muslims are together, they urge each other to adhere to the true religion by their words and deeds and to adopt truth and honesty in every action. And
d) exhorting and bequeathing to each other that in the case of truth and justice, and in the matter of personal and national reform, as many obstacles, difficulties, and dangers may arise, even if the work contrary to the mind has to be endured, patience and It must be tolerated with patience. This will must be done so that the foot never slips from the path of virtue and welfare.
The lucky person who will combine these four qualities and who will try to make others perfect himself will be immortal in the pages of time.
And the signs that such a person will leave the world with will always be added to his book of good deeds as ‘Bakiyate Salehat’ i.e. remaining good deeds. In fact, this short surah is a summary of all religions and wisdom.
Imam Shafi'i rah. Yathartha says that if only this Surah had been revealed in the Qur'an, it would have been enough to guide the (understanding) servants. When two of the earlier scholars were together, they would recite the Surah to each other when they were separated. (Tafsir Uthmani 4/745)
Allaah encourages good deeds and forbids evil deeds and says: There must be a party among you who will call people to goodness and enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds. And they are successful. (Surah Al 'Imran)
In Surah Jariyah (verse 55) Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Because it helps the believers. '
That is, you have fulfilled the duty of invitation and preaching. Now you don't need to be so sorry and remorseful. The guilt of not believing the truth will fall on the traitors. But it is your responsibility to understand. So keep the continuity of invitation and preaching intact. Those who believe in your destiny will benefit from your advice, they will believe, and those who have already believed will benefit at an even greater rate. And the proof of Allah will be complete for the disbelievers.
(Tafsir Uthmani 4/321)
Addressing the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): O clothed! Arise, proclaim the warning, and proclaim the greatness of your Lord. '(Surat al-Muddaththir: 1-3)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to think so much for the Ummah and worry that Allaah would say to him: (Translation) If they do not believe in this, then perhaps you will die after repenting for them. (Surat al-Kahf: 6)
That is, if these disbelievers do not obey the Qur'an, then you will not be bothered by their grief at all. You have done and are doing the duty of preaching and preaching, you don't need to be so shocked and worried if no one obeys. It is not appropriate to regret thinking, why did I work so hard that I did not succeed? You are always successful. The work of invitation and preaching and the work of compassion and empathy towards humanity that you are doing helps to increase your dignity. If the unfortunate team does not accept, the loss is theirs. (Tafsir Uthmani 2/701)
As the ummah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the work of da'wah is also important for us. As Allah says in Surah Yusuf: Say: This is my way. I and those who are with me understand the call to God. Glory be to God, and I am not one of the associates. (Surah Yusuf: 108)
That is, the path of this pure Tauhid is my path. I call on the world humanity to give up all meditations and thoughts and turn towards one God and acquire the pure knowledge of His Tawheed, His attributes, and rules in a pure way. I and my companions have established this truth in a straightforward way in the light of irrefutable evidence and pure perception and origin. Allaah has given me a light so that the hearts and minds of all the companions may be enlightened. Not a blind imitation of anyone, the follower of pure Tauhid, at every step, realizes in his mind the special light of Allah's knowledge and insight and the taste of absolute slavery and becomes subconsciously saying - 'Allah is holy. I am not of the polytheists. '(Tafsir Uthmani 2/459)
May Allaah grant us the Tawfeeq to understand the importance of Da'wah to Allaah and to perform this duty properly. Amen.
Source: Mashik Alkawsar
Binte Alomgir
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